
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Do you blog anonymously?

I have always wanted to keep this blog anonymous. It was where I could come and write shizzle. Say whatever I wanted without being judged. Somethings just enter my head and I have to get them out. Plus I love writing...

... So what did I go and do. Tell my best friend. Now I've ruined it for myself all because of my lack of ability to keep a secret. I have verbal diarrhea. I can keep other people secrets but never ever ever my own.  I am an over sharer. I even showed it to her. And watched her judging eyes read through it. And now I have ideas for blogs and have even written them but I just can't bring myself to press publish. I just envisage her sitting there, reading it and thinking what a self indulgent twat. She even said, "Aren't you scared nobody is reading it?" And honestly I wasn't. But now I am!!

Now nothing I write is funny enough or interesting enough as I know someone I know is potentially reading it. I have screwed myself over.


Does everyone tell people that they blog? Do they just not care what people think? Where do you get this confidence in what you write? One day I would love to write a book but how could I ever do that if I can't even show my best bud my blog? I wish I didn't care but I just do. I wish I could turn back time and keep schtum. I was having so much bloggering fun until Saturday and now I'm just full of massive insecurities.

Now I am going to force myself to publish this to get back on that proverbial horse otherwise I never will and less then a months blogging is just a little bit pathetic.


  1. I've shared with a few people that know me in real life. I made sure it would be those who I would never need to bitch about publicly, and if I did,they wouldn't care.

  2. I mostly blog anonymously, except I do share links to my blog on my personal Facebook page. I didn't do that before, when I first started blogging. I figured if someone was interested, they would find it and read it. I attribute that to my non-confrontational, low-maintenance personality. But as I continued, I gained confidence in my voice and what I have to say. Telling a best friend is a great first step, but at all costs keep writing! And you'll begin to develop a sense of what you're comfortable writing about for the public to read, especially those closest to you (because they're part of the "public" too).

  3. I'm not writing anything bitchy... Well not yet anyway. But I guess I'm still not sure about the content. And I'm still not comfortable enough to tell people "I'm blogging". It's like a dirty secret.

  4. I am absolutely an anonymous blogger. My family knows I blog, but they also know I would prefer they don't read it. And, luckily, none of them have (so far) asked me the name of my blog.

    BUT I do have a couple of bloggers who have figured out who I am via my personal Facebook page. So far, only 3 have made the connection. But, I try SO hard to keep my blog to myself.

    1. You connected an anonymous blog to your facebook page? Haha

    2. No... no... I never connected my blog to my personal page. I was Facebook friends with them on my personal page, and they made the connection to my blog by things I said. I guess some of them I made it more obvious than others. One person was a blogger who encouraged me to start my blog in the first place. Then there was Chooplah, who I came right out and said, "oh, this is CrakGenius, by the way" ... so she wouldn't think I was some creepy stalker. The third was Valerie Nunez, who put together the pieces when I made a comment and she noticed pictures of my ice cream cart in my Facebook pictures.

  5. Since my blog isn't too personal it's not anonymous, but I haven't told anyone I know about it yet because I'm not comfortable with it either. I don't think there's anybody out there writing that doesn't care what other people think because they wouldn't make it public if they didn't. You just learn to deal with that in time, I guess.

  6. Since my blog was basically an extension of something I was already doing for friends, I told people right away. It helps that what I write about is very non-personal, though.

    I figure that the only way to get better is to show your work to others and hear what works and what doesn't. Otherwise I would go back to treeware journaling.

  7. I'm jealous of you both. But as my life evolves around me and I have no "hobbies" to speak of, I am kind of screwed on the subject front. Therefore it's ended up kinda personal.

  8. I started blogging after a bad break-up to get shit off my chest. It worked really well, but then I kind of went through the same thing you are. I would read other people's blogs and see how many people were following theirs, when I only had a couple of followers, and I got nervous. Like why am I writing this? And shouldn't someone be reading it if I am? I think the best blogs are ones you write for yourself, and if you get followers, then that's a bonus, but you shouldn't stress out about it. I am not following your page, so you can count yourself as having one more reader.

    1. Oops, I meant I am now following your page... ;)

  9. You're doing great! Keep it up!!! :)

  10. It doesn't matter if the whole world reads or it's just one person. Your stories deserve to be told anyway so write like no one's reading! (;

    P.S. In that same vein, dance like no one's watching; bla bla. You know the rest, I'm sure. Stay gold! :D

  11. I used to blog anonymously... but recently decided to link it up with my twitter and facebook... I figure if I'm going to put time and effort into posting things I care about, then I want the people to care about it too.

    Keep it up here! and don't worry about being potentially crappy... as long as you love it everyone else will too!

  12. I've been pondering anonymous and psuedoanonymous blogging a lot lately because I've been considering moonlighting as a sex blogger and that's one of those subjects that people get weird about and it might not be a bad idea to write under a different name... I mean, people can be weird and judgy about that sort of thing.

    Except for the fact that after writing my first post, I found myself being really pissed off about it and not wanting to write anymore. I don't want to write under a different name. I want to write under MY name. MY NAME. The name I established for myself. I don't want to deal with having to sign into a different account to comment on somebody's blogger blog just because I'd rather they know me as my other name. I don't want to deal with feeling like my online persona is fractured based on what subject I'm writing about.

    So yeah, being anonymous doesn't really work for me at this juncture.

    That said, I do sort of shelter certain people from my blog... Like, when I post my link on my Facebook page, I block it from all of my family. I hate it when they know what's going on in my life beyond the weather, they don't need to be reading that shit.

  13. I blog semi-anonymously for the same reasons as most but mostly because I'm a high school teacher and don't want my real name tied to anything I do outside of work.
    I've really enjoyed this post (and your others) as well as the comments...And for that I am passing The Sunshine Award along to you if you haven't already gotten one :)
    If you'd like it, pick up the details at:


  14. I started mine as anonymous. Then a few friends figured it out. I had to tell the Husband, as he would soon be hearing about it from others. It makes it tough to be open about the things I want to actually put down. I find myself censoring things, which in turn defeats the purpose, in a way.

    I sometimes get too personal, and I question whether things should just be kept private. On that note, I've actually gone back and set a few back to draft status. That way, I got to write what I wanted, but didn't have to worry about pissing anyone off.

    I won't lie and say that at first I didn't have a hidden a pipe dream of getting a ton of followers. Alas, I knew better, and am content with the few I do have.
